
My CamStudio and VirtualDub settings for time-lapse videos

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Today I will share about my CamStudio and VirtualDub settings for recording time-lapse videos (meant for Youtube). I always forget about the setup I use so I thought of posting it here to keep it handy. If you are interested, feel free to read on!


How to add, delete and edit labels in Blogger


In this post, I will show how you can add, delete and update labels for multiple posts in Blogger.


Using if/else to customize elements in specific pages in Blogger


Controlling certain elements visibility, usually widgets, in your blogger pages can a bit confusing if you are not familiar with coding or with the blogger template. In this post, I will note down the things I learned in using the if/else tag for hiding or showing elements in specific pages in blogger.

I'll be focusing in using the if/else tags in your template - how to use it and where you can use it. Anyway, just let me know in the comments section if something isn't clear.


Setting up a Test blog in Blogger

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I thought I'll just share with you guys how I setup my test blog here in Blogger. Well it's a reminder to myself too cause there's a couple of things I sometimes forget when putting up my test blog.

In case you are wondering what a test blog is, it's basically a site where you do all your testing especially if you are unsure of the outcome. It could really be risky to apply updates directly to your live blog especially if it's a major change, unstable or experimental.

This post is meant for existing blogs in which you want to put up a test site for. You can still follow this if you haven't got a blog yet but some of the steps used here won't apply.

So let's begin!